God Bless Our Troops

God Bless Our Troops

A call to duty is sent out
and the strong and the brave reply.
They do it for love of country,
So there’s never a need to ask why.

They leave behind all that they love,
Their families, their homes and their lives,
Because to preserve these precious things
Is the goal for which each soldier strives.

So God bless our troops,
The courageous women and men,
Who fight to make sure
The bells of freedom peal again.
~ Kelly Roper


“The photos and other content of this publication do not constitute or imply any endorsement or recommendation by the Department of Defense.”

Saying Goodbye to Washington

Saying Goodbye to Washington

Before moving to Tennessee for work, the G family and I got together for their first family photo session. We began at the Point Defiance Rose Garden, which holds a special place in their hearts as it is where they were married. Then we made our way down to Owen beach for some good sandy fun. I’m pretty sure little miss O thought I had lost my mind when I walked right into the freezing water, but it was totally worth seeing her completely open up.
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Forever in Our Hearts

Forever in Our Hearts

Five years ago, on October 15, 200Forever in Our Hearts :: Taylor8, my best friend gave birth to an angel. Taylor never took her first breath, uttered her first cry, said her first word, took her first steps or any of the other milestones a new parent looks forward to and yet, she lives on everyday in our hearts. Earlier this year, Billie sent me this image of a family who had suffered the loss of twins and incorporated them into a family photoshoot. It inspired us to capture a complete portrait of Billie’s family, including Taylor. After months of planning how to make this happen, it was time. Billie and her family came for a visit to Washington from Nebraska.

“You may not be living here for all to see but in my heart you will be living forever, you will always be with me.”

As I watched my friend with her two handsome men (and a itty bitty baby on board), I was overcome by her strength. What an emotional shoot, I watched their joy as they played with their son. At the same time her outstretch hand longing to hold her daughters hand caused my heart to ache. Our vision came together and in the end Taylor stands beside her family, in spirit, holding Billie’s hand.