Welcome Stevi EvAn Lane

Welcome Stevi EvAn Lane

When you’ve been best friends with someone since 5th grade, it’s even more awesome to be a part of the birth of her babies.

On January 8th, I was in a hospital in Nebraska waiting for this little girl to make her entrance. Because of Billie’s history, she was being induced. It was a very long day and I’m in awe of my friend’s strength. When Billie started throwing up, I felt a wave of excitement, I thought we were very close to pushing. After all she got sick just before Bronx was born. Something about throwing up helps push that baby where it needs to be. However, this time it wasn’t the case. When the nurse came in and let us know that the doctor wanted to move to a c-section because Billie had a fever and the baby’s baseline heart rate had increase my heart sank a bit. We were worried about Billie and baby and I thought for sure I would not be allowed to go along. When the nurse announced that I’d get to go too, I had an extremely tough time holding back my emotions. Honestly, I’m surprised I didn’t start sobbing. In what felt like moments, the hospital crew and Bill (Daddy), were wheeling Billie back for the c-section and 19 minutes later Stevi arrived. She was perfect, beautiful and stole my heart.

I can’t imagine anything better than watching my friend’s welcome their baby girl into this world!


If you haven’t read Bill and Billie’s story, you might like to check out this post: “Forever in our Hearts.”

Happy 1st Birthday Chloe

Happy 1st Birthday Chloe

Chloe, I’ve been photographing you since you were an adorable, itty bitty newborn with a single curl on your head. It’s hard to believe how quickly you’ve grown into an even cuter toddler with a full head of curls. Looking forward to watching you grow over the upcoming years!

Up, Up and Away…

Up, Up and Away…

Fly above the treetops or high in the sky. Soak in the view from above. Play in the breeze as the birds fly by.
Go where the wind takes you. Fun in the air. Floating like a feather. Come with us on an adventure like no other.
(havnfun – hot air ballooning)

A Pretty Little Girl Growing Up So Fast

A Pretty Little Girl Growing Up So Fast

Life is fleeting, years rush past and little girls grow up so fast! Let me take time out to be glad that mine’s still here with me.
And though I’m busy through the day, let me take time out to play. Let me take time out to smile, to linger with her for a while.
To invite her under the table for tea and dress up silly as can be. Let me take time out to sing and dance and skip and twirl and swing.
To splash in puddles when it rains and make her fancy daisy chains. Let me take time out to hear about the things that she holds dear.
Let me tuck her in at night, hear her prayers, turn off the light. And for one more moment let me pray and thank God that we shared this day!
~ Author Unknown
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