You are such a momma of boys…

You are such a momma of boys…

You are such a momma of boys my client said with a huge grin on her face as I scooped up this little creature that landed on my shoulder…
CDP - Such a Boy Momma - Little BugBefore I had kids, I thought for sure I’d have a girl. I would have named her Samantha Elizabeth. She would have shared a middle name with my mother and me.

Instead, I have been blessed with three amazing boys. While I was pregnant, I wondered if I’d know what to do with boys. I didn’t have brothers. The closest I came was my nephew, eleven years younger than I, who I often mix up and call “Uncle Jereme” to my kiddos.

Now as I take in my life of noise, dirt, rough housing, motorcycle, bugs and all the other marvelousness of boys, I wonder what I would have done with a girl. I was destined to be a boy momma. I grew up running around barefoot in fields, finding bugs, snakes and frogs with the neighbor boys. I even tried to make frog statues by putting those poor frogs in cement mix. I feel rather guilty about it now knowing the acid in the cement probably burnt their skin.

Will I miss having a little girl… yes! Does my heart ache for it right now… not as much as I feared it would. Ask me when I might be helping a daughter plan a wedding or hoping to be in the room as she gives birth to her babies, the answer might be different. But for now and always, I will wear the statement “you are such a momma of boys” as a badge of honor!

The Hansen Family : Silly, Loving & Lots of Laughter

When asked for three words that described their family, they chose silly, loving and laughter. Well, let me tell you what, I agree with them 100%. I have a several more words I would add to their list.

Ambitious Achievers
When I noted Necia was left handed (I am too). Her husband, Mark, piped up that lefties are over achievers. Fair enough. After all Necia is so close to finishing her Master’s degree after many years of dedication to her studies, all while working full time and raising two adorably spunky kiddos. How could I argue with him (not that I would want to). Then I find out that Mark is close to his second Bachelor’s degree. So truth is they are both over achievers, lefty or righty doesn’t really matter with this couple.

I know if you spent time with them you’d agree with me. Both Necia and Mark work with children who face challenges, Necia works with ELL students and Mark with Special Ed. From my experience with them, I have no doubt that those kids adore them. This couple has a gift for making those around them feel seen and special. During the image reveal, I was taken by how Mark acknowledged each person in the images (his stunning wife and cute kiddos), not by telling them simply that they looked good, but instead by compliments that would be hard for them to forget. Mark carefully picked out specific traits and complimented those, such as “Maggie, look at how pretty your eyelashes are.” My guess is as she gets older, those words will sneak back up to the surface and she’ll smile as she remembers that her Dad thinks her eyelashes are pretty.

Necia and Mark, the world is a better place with you in it. You are working so hard to achieve all your dreams and bringing up kids that will likely follow in your footsteps as awesome people. What a treat it was to spent time with your family!

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Fairies, Fireflies & Fishers Limited Edition Sessions : May 21-22

Fairies, Fireflies & Fishers Limited Edition Sessions : May 21-22

The Fairies Limited Edition sessions are back! Nothing quite captures the magic of childhood imagination like the enchanted forest set, fairy costumes and a little pixie dust.

In addition to fairies this year, there will be a dock for the Fisher & Fireflies Limited edition. Perfect for those who prefer their magic to come in the form of fishing and catching fireflies.

Limited Edition pricing with a session fee of only $45 and art starting at $195.

Space is limited! Email or call to reserve your session today!  |  206.349.2609

Fairies – Saturday, May 21st  |  Fishers & Fireflies – Sunday, May 22nd
Fairies, Fireflies & Fishers Limited Edition
