You are such a momma of boys my client said with a huge grin on her face as I scooped up this little creature that landed on my shoulder…
CDP - Such a Boy Momma - Little BugBefore I had kids, I thought for sure I’d have a girl. I would have named her Samantha Elizabeth. She would have shared a middle name with my mother and me.

Instead, I have been blessed with three amazing boys. While I was pregnant, I wondered if I’d know what to do with boys. I didn’t have brothers. The closest I came was my nephew, eleven years younger than I, who I often mix up and call “Uncle Jereme” to my kiddos.

Now as I take in my life of noise, dirt, rough housing, motorcycle, bugs and all the other marvelousness of boys, I wonder what I would have done with a girl. I was destined to be a boy momma. I grew up running around barefoot in fields, finding bugs, snakes and frogs with the neighbor boys. I even tried to make frog statues by putting those poor frogs in cement mix. I feel rather guilty about it now knowing the acid in the cement probably burnt their skin.

Will I miss having a little girl… yes! Does my heart ache for it right now… not as much as I feared it would. Ask me when I might be helping a daughter plan a wedding or hoping to be in the room as she gives birth to her babies, the answer might be different. But for now and always, I will wear the statement “you are such a momma of boys” as a badge of honor!